Saturday 5 May 2012

Another previous design

Here's another previous design sketch I never put on the blog...

Old sketches added for the record

Hi there I'l stick on the sketches along the process that ended up on the cutting room floor in the final presentation:

Tuesday 1 May 2012


Hi Guys, here's some pic's of the model...It includes the access points with lifts/spiral stairs. I have added areas along the route that are covered over with glass where people can get shelter from bad weather, get something to eat & drink & go to the toilet.. This should hopefully keep people on the Skywalk for longer & go to the various parts of it plus, there is some 'greenery' to represent some of the places where the development has extented to the ground along the route.

Monday 30 April 2012

final hurdle


just a recap. we had a great model making session on Friday 13th April

Heres what we need to finish up on Friday, from Ross

Kevin is going to finish the model,
Ross can draw up plans showing buildings, green space etc. b4 and after in photoshop and print as an underlay for the model and also draw up 2 or 3 b4 and after pics to put in conclusion,
Paul could cut the power point down to just 20 of our most impressive slides (allowing room for the conclusion),
Damon to assist Ross and Dave if possible
Dave could do an annotated drawing of a theorists design on our line and delegate who's going to be in charge of what slides in presentation and allocating a time schedule to stick to (taking into count somebody talking about the model) we only have 10mins to talk.

Ruthless efficiency is key, and make sure we are really showing our vision of a sky walk that will change everything
improve areas it runs through
create new, interesting places that excite,
create a walk way/ cycle place through london
increase biodiversity
develop a green infrastucture
encourage and enhance investment and generate its own income.

Thursday 29 March 2012

Key Sites & regeneration

Hi guys, I thought Daves representaion of the key regeneration area of his site was very clear & good including income regeration potential so I have copied that format see below. I have another area at the junction of the Sky Walk and the river in the heart of my tourist area which is less of a regeneration but  a good link area.

Also another slogal maybe? our last one was called 'limp' so I don't know if this is any less 'limp' but anyway "A branched sky-way through urban space"


Heres a couple drawings which can form part of the underlays for our group model

Group Model & dealing with obstructions

Here's my part of the group model plus some pics of a walkway going under a bridge. This could apply to part of our walkway going around any obstruction


Hi guys, here's the start of the 'Storyboard' fom a couple of weeks ago.
We should probably include some of this 'simplified' stuff for our presentation

Wednesday 28 March 2012

Area Development Plan

After Fridays meeting with Duncan, it was suggested that we have a look at areas along the skywalk which would require the most intensive area development. Areas which are currently 'run down', and the presence of the Skywalk would provide economic stimulus are in coloured in orange. We should focus our financial priorities into these areas ( shops under archways, entertainment etc.)   Other areas where the Skywalk would be benevolent but also be part of an existing succesful area, are coloured in blue. It is improtant to move the success from the blue areas into the orange and thus devise a means of moving people into the heart of the Skywalk.

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Team meeting Friday 23 March

Just a quick round up of where we are and what we need to do

Finish our model, before the sky walk and after the sky walk with photos

Highlight key sites, and suggest what will go there - we can then do sketches etc of each of these things.

Powerpoint presentation, in progress for Friday we need a bit more snap and direction than last time.


Gents, i suggest we do something similar to the below for the key sites within our section. Show the location, whats there now and what we intend to do, including precedents. Link everything back to how we can make money, increase revenue etc.

We can then do sketches, sections, materials pallets for each area

More Precedent Designs

Arganzuela Bridge, Madrid

Webb Bridge, Melbourne
Charing Cross Extension of Skywalk

Thursday 22 March 2012

Cannon Street Extension of Skywalk

This is a photo of the Cannon Street branch of the London Skywalk Proposal.
The photo is from the south side of the River Thames and is looking Northwards to the City of London.

Monday 19 March 2012

Hey, heres my model. I made the rail 1 foam board thick and the left end of the rail is 8mm wide and the right side is 12mm wide for whoever is connecting to those sides. I also left the rail a bit longer so we can cut it where it suits when we put them all together. Talk to you all on friday, and theres to be no slagging me about the rugby it was a total fluke that ya hammered Ireland on sat!!!

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Sunday 11 March 2012

This design by the Olin Studio team uses an inverted arc as a bridge structure for connecting disconnected habitats separated by freeways in the USA. These designs could be used , not to cross railways but to run
above them with an adjustment to their design. 

The above designs were made by Janet Rosenberg and Associates as a natural crossing for connecting divided habitats (by Freeways) in the USA. The Construction was made from Wood Core Fibreglass. 

Thursday 8 March 2012

Following from Dave's input - a concept idea/design - 'Branched living places' - better titles?..

 Another concepts shape I keep thinking of is Antlers - Here's a little overlay, my photoshop skills only got me this far so I'l stick on skydrive too if someone can manipulate it more..

Monday 5 March 2012

Braver Design

Folloing the crit on Friday maybe we should be pushing the design boundaries a little.

this is  Gordon Graff's Sky Farm proposed for downtown Toronto's theatre district. It's got 58 floors, 2.7 million square feet of floor area and 8 million square feet of growing area. It can produce as much as a thousand acre farm, feeding 35 thousand people per year.

Not too disimilar to the shard in design but would make a real difference in terms of producing food in London

Saturday 3 March 2012

Thursday 1 March 2012

Section 4

The Sky Walk in Section 4 will need to stay above  the rail. There is little scope to extend to the side.

This section is high density building. However there is scope for green spaces, marked in green on the model. Blue is entrance points.

I think the more entrances the better, there is lots of potential for this. It will ensure that areas that are currently underused/ in need of regen have increased footflow that might lead to interest and investment.

The area around Borough Market is already very attractive and vibrant, an entrance here would be very well utilised. There is space for an entrance in the market.

There is an existing roof between the railwaybridges at the marker. This creates a very attractive and useable space underneath. Definetlley something to consider.

Where Red Cross Street meets Southwark Street there are a number of buildings that could be demolished to create green space.

At Flat Iron Square facing Southwark Bridge Road existing square area. Could be a flagship skywalk entrance. Huge development potential. Larger entrances could have bike lifts, others just have smaller stair case and disabled lift.

Near America street, there is no existing green space or street trees, a number of architecture firms however. Could this become a design district?

Off Union Street ( opposite 169 Union Street) great potential for green space, large area currently car park ad storage. Flat roofs on buildings here - green roof sites that will be visible from skywalk?

Along Union Street to Great Suffolk Street could become an art district? Existing galleries and abandoned warehouses.

Down Great Suffolk Street 3 railbridges of different heights. Different levels to Sky walk? could be very intereseting. A huge tunnel and arch system under bridges currently Union Car Park, Could be an amazing space.

Urban Design Theory - Gordon Cullen, The Concise Townscape

Gordon Cullen – the Concise Townscape

townscape is that it is a design philosophy based upon satisfying a fuller range of human needs including those which are met by the visual environment.

the starting point for design is the individual's experience of the environment.

There is a typical emotional reaction to being above the ground and another from being above it

There is a reaction to being hemmed in a tunnel and another to the wideness of the square

Therefore if towns are designed from the point of view of the moving person (pedestrian or car) its easy to see how the whole city becomes a plastic experience.

 You cannot have a here without a there, a this without a that. Some of the greatest townscape effects are created by skillful relationship between the two

Think about the context of your design and its impacts on the surrounds.

spend time drawing the site, understand - look at Cullens sketches

‘Our sensitivity to the local gods must grow sharper’

‘Apart from a few noble exceptions our world is being filled with system built dumb blondes and a scatter of Irish confetti’

Piet Oudolf and the Highline ( A Precedent)