Saturday 25 February 2012

Section 1 Charing X to Imax Cinema - model

The walk starts at Charing Cross Station on the eastern walkway of the golden Jubilee bridge.  The gaps between the pedestrian bridge and adjacent rail bridge would be filled in to create areas for planting (see below).  Climbers are proposed to grow up the fence separating the two bridges. 

At the Waterloo end a lift and spiral staircase take people down to the Royal Festival Hall or up to the next stage of the Skywalk which is then positioned above the railway rather than alongside as previously (see area below).

Thursday 23 February 2012

Section 2

Here are a couple of pictures of my model as well.  I will explain it to you guys tomorrow.


Urban Design Theory - Rodger Trancik

Here is a quick summary of the theorist I have chosen.

Rodger Trancik
Lost space (inadequate use of space)

This book outlines how many landscapes found in cities can be described as lost space and how this can be rectified. 

What is lost open space?  A cosmetic Treatment of spaces ill-shaped and ill planned for public use in first place.  The outdoors is seen by designers as unifying frameworks for new development.  There is no understanding of human behaviour and spaces are seen in 2 dimensions not 3.

Lost open space can be a result of effects of the modern movement, urban renewel, zoning policies, private over public interests, changes in land use, loss of values and meanings.

open space can disrupt continuity of the city form.

Lost Spaces Are.
Left over unstructured landscapes at the base of high rise towers, parking lots, freeways

They make no positive contribution to the surroundings.  Spaces between buildings are rarely designed

These days high rises play a major part in the atmosphere on the street.  (there is no interaction between buildings and street level.

Theories of Urban Spacial Designs

Figure Ground Theory
This is the shape given to the public openings where it creates united voids.

Linkage Theory
The organisation of lines that connect the parts of the city and the design of a spacial datum from these lines relate buildings to space.

Place Theory
Understanding the cultural and human characteristics of physical space.  Space only becomes place when it is given a contextual meaning derived from cultural or regional context.


Urban Design Theory - A pattern language

Here's a little summary of the book those ideas we can maybe use for our design..

A pattern language – a summary:

A ‘Pattern language’ is the concept that a group 6 architects some of which are professors, PhD holders & lectures, spent about 8 years working on a series of three books (A pattern language being the 2nd one) whereby they attempt to came up with an entirely new  approach to architecture, building and planning.

“The core ...idea that people should design for themselves their own houses, streets & communities. This idea… comes from the observation that the most wonderful places of the world were not made by architects but by people”.

“The core of the books is .. in designing  their environments, people always rely on certain ‘languages’ which like the languages we speak, allow them to articulate & communicate an infinite variety of designs within a formal system (which gives them coherence).”

This book provides detailed patterns for towns, neighbourhoods, houses, gardens & rooms

(the following diagram didn't copy but imagine the following text linked with arrows in a circle) 

Towns & buildings only be able to come alive   

Unless they’re made by all the people in society  &

Unless these people share a common pattern language  &

Unless this is alive itself

Within which to make the buildings

Elements of this language are entities called patterns & each pattern describes a problem that occurs over & over again in our environment & then describes a solution to it.

You might use the solution millions of times over again without doing it the same thing/way twice.

They have identified 235 patterns in the their language. (They also stress that this is only a language and people should developed their own languages)
Each pattern is connected to other patterns in specific ways & each problem & solution can be judged for yourself & modified it without losing the essence (central) to it.
The patterns are ordered in in a kind of hierarchy – the largest for regions & towns
Working down through neighbourhoods
Clusters of buildings
Construction details

Each pattern is connected to larger patterns which it completes and smaller patterns which complete it.
“no pattern is an isolated entity. Each pattern can exist .. only to the extent that it is supported by others patterns in which it is embedded, patterns of similar size support it and smaller one are imbedded in it”
“Each solution is stated in a way that gives the essential field of the relationships needed to solve the problem. But in a general way & abstract way so that you can solve the problem yourself (in your own way by adapting it to your preferences and local conditions (where you are)”
An example they give is a set of patterns that one of them uses to design a porch that seems to be necessary at his house:
Each of these patterns is just a headline and has concepts and possibilities that make it up but from what I understand, you pick patterns that (appeal to you or) that are appropriate to the project that you want to design/build and then use them to communicate the design/ link it all together.
 One concept that seems to appeal is that they mention the ‘poetry of the language’ and like poems have very ‘dense’ meanings & more than one meaning, these pattern languages can also be ‘dense’.
“It is possible to string patterns together in a ..loose way. A building like this is an assemblage of patterns. It is not dense. It is not profound. But it is possible to put patterns together in such a way that the patterns overlap in the same physical space: the building is ..dense; it has many meanings captured in a small space, and becomes profound”  

Access Points

We agreed last week to make the walk accessible by lift only i.e. no stairs because of the shortage of ground level space.  Having given this further thought I think that using lifts as the sole means of access will create a major capacity issue.  I suggest we have lifts primarily for people with disabilities, parents with pushchairs and cyclists etc.  but the main access for the able bodied should be by spiral staircase - see images below.  Suggest an assumption of 2m wide treads and an overall staircase diameter of 5.5m.

Monday 20 February 2012

Team Meeting 17th Feb 2012

So we made a bit of progress Friday

Here's what we need for next week

visit each of our own area of the sky line ( see pauls map) and survey the best places for entrances, exits, find the places where we go above, alongside, below and look for places on the ground.

places on the ground could be existing areas of strength, features, attractions or areas of potential such as abandonded buildings etc

we need to have at least 5 sections each. sections should be cross section through the area where the bridge sky walk change i.e go up or down or alongside.

we then need to apply this new info to a model. keep it simple and dont worry about material we just need to show the level changes, entrances, exits and where we interact with the ground.

We also need to do a summary of each of our theorists.

So not much to do....

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Sky Walk Precedents

Paul's sky walk precedents on you tube

Team meeting 10th Feb 2012

Good team meeting - all in attendance.

 and heres what we need to to do next.

The Model

Everyone agreed model was excellent

needs to consider ground interaction more


We need to definetley agree on a slogan i suggest we stick them all on the comments part of this page.

heres mine,

London's green fingers reaching above the concrete sprawl

Paul, i think yours was popular but i cant remember what it was?

Indicative Reading

We need to pick a theorist off the list on page 16 of our brief - give a summary of their theory and think about how we can apply this to our site. I suggest we each do a post on our theorist and stick it on our blog. When we have them all we can consider choosing elements of them to use in our design

Ive chosen No. 9 Gordon Cullen - The concise townscape

I think the rest are still up for grabs


After discussion with Duncan i think we agreed on the need to ensure consistency throughout the sky walk

i.e although the planting/ useage might be different we need to keep a similar material or theme running the length of it. Like the flooring on the High Line

The Sky Walk

We also need to begin to consider which bits of the railway will be suitable for what. i.e where we go alongside, above, umder, or to the ground and draw sections showing these areas.

Shall we split the bridge into 5 parts and look at this individiually?

Our Concept

We need to think of a concept.

I think Kev suggested a dolphin shape?

I think that with the edition of the blackfriars bridge aspect then the line is starting to look more like green fingers or spider legs.

I know that Finger Plan was applied to Copenhagen but i dont think that would be a problem.

Any other ideas?

Ive done a quick photoshop on top of Damon's model to show the finger idea. The smaller light green fingers could be areas on the ground that we develop?

Conceptual Model

Here some photos of Damons excellent conceptual model. I think we all agreed that it really got the message across.

After discussing this model i think we agreed that extending the range of our model is a good idea, hitting blackfriars as well and crossing the river.

The only criticism of the model is that it doesnt interact with the ground anywhere. we need to link into space on the ground wherever possible.

Monday 13 February 2012

Some images for inspiration on the structural design

Note the snaking shape and web-like structure.  No roof for ours, or perhaps a partial glazed roof in some areas to protect from the elements?

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Map of the London Skywalk route

This is a map that shows the routes of the proposed Skywalk. It crosses the Thames three times and will connect the South Bank, the West End and the City of London via a pedestrian friendly, elevated green corridor sited above and around the existing train tracks.
Damon's eyesore it

Promenade plantee, Precedent

Hey everybody here is just a quick precedent on Promenade plantee.  I have it on power point too if we need it. I will be in touch touch tomorrow evening about the crit on Friday. Cheers. Ross

High Line Design Video

Video gives a good walk through of the site. Interesting that entrances are underneath the bridge, maybe we could use the spaces that already exist under ours. Like this secret blue door.

First Crit

I've somehow stumbled upon moodle - theres a bit of info on what we need for the first crit on Friday, i guess we maybe need to stick this in a powerpoint?

Interim Crit

Please be aware that the interim Crit on Friday 10th February will include the following items of work.
Developed SWOT analysis (page 8 of the brief)
Finished Eyesoreit (page 8 of the brief)
Slogan (page 9 of the brief)
Concept diagram ( page 9 of the brief)
Beginnings of a cost plan (page 11 of the brief)
Sketch design (page 11 of the brief)
With respect to the cost plan, consider what opportunities there are for revenue generation, in fairly broad terms at this stage.
Benz and I will conduct the Crit.

Sunday 5 February 2012

Bike Lift

This was the lift i was referring to - im not sure how practical ramps will be. Lifts and stairs seems the best way for access

Sorry to use the nut guy again but these lifts seem discrete but useful. They'd need to be bigger and quick for bikes ( more like the lifts in tube stations)

Sky Walk is born

Group meeting Friday 3rd Feb

As a way of moving forward we have made some executive decisions.

Firstly, this blog is now up and running. A place to brainstorm, drop ideas interesting facts and open the forum for group voting.

We have a main precedent of the High Line in New York, we need to properly crit this, is it good? what are the problems? compare it to our site. The obvious one is that this New York is disused railway and ours is very busy.

Paul is going to work on finding out all we can about the HighLine and will publish soon.

The rest of us are looking for any other precedents/ideas that can inform our design.

Project Name

This was important to move us forward. Some suggestions Green Arc, Sky Way, Sky Garden, Sky Park, Air Walk, Sky Walk, Bridge park,

Group vote - The London Sky Walk has it.

crits of the name - sounds a bit starwars? Luke Sky Walk? Hope George Lucas is ok with this, maybe he can fund it.

Sketch Model

We have a crit on Friday 10th Feb and Damon has agreed to develop a rough concept model of the whole line scale 1:4000. We can then move on and split the line into 6 so we can each develop part of the model.

It seems a good idea to look at Sky Walk as though it spans different urban spaces and split the bridge up this way. i.e derelict area, posh area , theatre area. The design on the Sky Walk at each particular point can then be tailored towards this.

Consider the history of the area the Sky Walk is spanning.

Remember the space on the ground too. Underneath, over, side by side. A strong aspect of the High Line is the regen that has occured underneath it.

Access is important. Lifts for bikes. Use the Sky Walk as a bike route in London, walking route, markets, park land, ecology....

We need to produce a slogan, a tag line for the project. Lets each think of one and vote our favorite.

We also need to put our ideas into a simple concept plan with the slogan attached. So we can direct our vision going forwards and make sure that although the design and use of each section may be  different we are fitting this into our concept at all times.

Eyesore it

Move over Ian Hislop ( or maybe not)





Damon's won't load for some reason so is available as an hilarious 'extra' on our SkyDrive

SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis

We went away and considered what we had uncovered on our site visit. We each submitted a SWOT and grouped it together. This is summarised below along with a photographic 'walk the line' style SWOT survey.

There really is a lot of potential here.


Health & fitness – walking & cycling
Commuters – relieve pressure on public transport
Reduce car journeys??
Safer walking
Views above & below
Entry points at major stations
Cleaner air, less carbon – planting & reduction in use of motor vehicles


Tourism – attraction
Entry points to adjacent buildings
Tourist link - Borough Market into city centre
Green walls
Link into green chain
Funding from adjacent businesses


Railway still in use – need to place walkway above or alongside
Need to fit alongside not above river to maintain river views
Need to divert around Waterloo East station
Overhead gantries – need solution
Shade & blocking views of sky to rail users, people on ground & in adjacent buildings
Substantial structural support necessary – high cost
Very high if over existing railway – need space for long ramps and high steps at entry points for people & cycles (unless use lifts?)


Cost much higher than N.Y. High Line – railway still in use
Issues in construction around working railway
Planning approval – borough(s) & mayor
Community reaction
Big business neighbours
Individual adjacent businesses & residents
Safety issues – railway, streets & neighbouring properties

Photographic SWOT

The beginning

Here we go -

Urban Development Project

Friday 20th January

we set up our group - Group 1 and selected our project

The London Bridge/Canon Street/ Charing Cross Railway

with the aim to show how a project like the High Line in New York can be funded by creating a new public realm above the railway and new buildings to frame the public realm

We have agreed to work as a democracy, members can put forward their ideas for the group to vote on the best way forward. All group meetings are recorded in our Team Diary and work allocated fairly each week during our catch up. Other communication and ideas are expressed through our sky drive, email and on this blog.

Visit arranged for Saturday 21 Jan. Meet at Charing Cross Station at 2.30pm.

Saturday 21st January

The site visit was a great success. We managed to walk the full length of the line before it got dark. Most of the route is directly accessible and there seems to be real potential for good design here. It could be what London is lacking.

Hundreds of Photos taken (on Skydrive), ideas formulated, SWOT eyesoreits and project name to follow....

View along Hungerford Bridge