Wednesday 15 February 2012

Team meeting 10th Feb 2012

Good team meeting - all in attendance.

 and heres what we need to to do next.

The Model

Everyone agreed model was excellent

needs to consider ground interaction more


We need to definetley agree on a slogan i suggest we stick them all on the comments part of this page.

heres mine,

London's green fingers reaching above the concrete sprawl

Paul, i think yours was popular but i cant remember what it was?

Indicative Reading

We need to pick a theorist off the list on page 16 of our brief - give a summary of their theory and think about how we can apply this to our site. I suggest we each do a post on our theorist and stick it on our blog. When we have them all we can consider choosing elements of them to use in our design

Ive chosen No. 9 Gordon Cullen - The concise townscape

I think the rest are still up for grabs


After discussion with Duncan i think we agreed on the need to ensure consistency throughout the sky walk

i.e although the planting/ useage might be different we need to keep a similar material or theme running the length of it. Like the flooring on the High Line

The Sky Walk

We also need to begin to consider which bits of the railway will be suitable for what. i.e where we go alongside, above, umder, or to the ground and draw sections showing these areas.

Shall we split the bridge into 5 parts and look at this individiually?

1 comment:

  1. Paul's Suggestion was:

    "A ribbon of green space lying above the urban landscape"
